Fish, Wallpaper and Plates


Is it me or is it getting more and more difficult to find good items in charity shops nowadays?

Yesterday, we went up to the Emmaus charity warehouse in Mossley (near to Staley Vegas…) and we also stopped in at the YMCA in Ashton. The Emmaus did have some interesting bits and bobs in it, mostly in the lovely little room at the back of the upper floor, behind the cafe. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera with me… We did buy a couple of things (and for a pittance):

Metallic Fish Dish - 75p
Metallic Fish Dish - 75p
Retro Paisleigh Tablecloth - 75p
Retro Paisleigh Tablecloth - 75p

I read many blogs and see that people like Vintage Vixen and Claire are off to jumble sales left, right and centre and snapping up amazing vintage items for less than 50p. I’m starting to think that the North West doesn’t have jumble sales! I’ve only seen one advertised since we moved here seven years ago, and that was too far away for me to get to via public transport. Ah well, should just console myself with hundreds of West German pots in the garage…

The house decorating is moving on. Aidan has spent the last couple of days pulling up carpets, measuring and inspecting floor boards:

Main Bedroom Floor
Main Bedroom Floor

You can see on this picture where the bathroom remodelling encroaches into the bedroom space. Presumably, many years ago, someone has changed the layout of the upstairs of the house to include a bathroom. We’re guessing that at one point the bathroom was either in a different room, or perhaps was even outside?! We’re quite tempted to go with the old style of painting round the edges and putting a rug down in the middle. I have a feeling though that Aidan will ensure these floorboards are in tip-top condition first – no easy paint job for him.

Some wallpaper samples arrived this week – this is the exciting part for me!

Wallpaper Samples
Wallpaper Samples

From left to right: Little Green 50s Line ‘Herbe’; Sanderson ‘Mobiles’ and unknown! I can’t remember the one on the right! All of the samples came from Wallpaper Direct, along with another one that I’ve not shown because I didn’t like it when it got here. I love Wallpaper Direct. At the risk of turning up on some dodgy searches, it’s like porn for home decorators: “Just one more, one more! Yeah, that’s the one!” The website is easy to navigate, and I like the feature that shows you what the wallpaper looks like in different types of rooms. It’s also free to order the first two samples, 75p for each one after that.

Sanderson Mobiles
Sanderson Mobiles

This is our favourite one so far, possibly for the front living room on one wall. It’s quite a grand room as it is, and we want to retain that feeling in there but with a mid-century style. ‘Mobiles’ by Sanderson seems to be fitting the bill for us so far. However, I chose all of these samples so far: it’s Aidan’s turn to order some this week, so we’ll see what he brings.

We’re off to pick up some plates I won on Ebay later:

Barker Bros Plates
Barker Bros Plates
Barker Bros Plates 2
Barker Bros Plates 2

They’re the ‘Fiesta’ design by Barker Bros; we’ve already got one plate in the blue colourway, but now we’ll have dinner and sandwhich plates in the colour design. The seller looks like they might have an exciting house as they’re selling some other interesting bits and bobs, including a lovely West German piece. Wonder if I’ll get a chance to have a nosy around? Do you think they’d mind if I took my camera… (I should probably point out I’m joking!)

Right, I’ve just heard a great big crash-bang-wallop! from upstairs. It appears that Aidan has either fallen out of bed or knocked something over. Before I go, this is his efforts with the stone hearth this week, ready for the fire fitting next week:


Pretty good, eh?  Can’t wait to see the finished article, complete with paint added to the plaster and removed from the stone surround. Have a good Sunday everyone – I’m on Easter holidays for the next fortnight so you’ll probably hear much more from me than in recent times.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Clare says:

    I LOVE wallapaper direct! I also aquired some free rolls of the sanderson wallpaper which makes me very happy indeed. Will interested to know what it looks like on your wall! some great finds and the plates are fantastic!

    Thank you so much for what your wrote on my blog, it was really kind and very much appreciated

    1. littleowlski says:

      You’re more than welcome!

      Was it the exact same wallpaper you got for free? How did you manage that?! I’m not sure how long it will take to get round to putting it up – we’re doing upstairs first before downstairs. But pictures will definitely go up once it’s done. Thanks for your lovely comments! Emma x

  2. lisa says:

    hi Emma….we also find charity shops in the North West are somewhat lacking in good items these days..we presume the ebay effect is one time we used to find lots of great items….the prices were always great too. Now prices seem much higher…we rarely make specific trips to charity shops these days..although we cannot help having a mooch in them whenever we pass one…and of course know where the charity shops are located in most towns in the North West…
    Your house looks fab…the fact you can decorate it to your style must be wonderful..have a good Easter break 🙂

    1. littleowlski says:

      Hi Lisa, I think Ebay is definitely one of the culprits! And I think people are getting a bit wiser to buying stuff secondhand and antique, rather than just getting everything new. We also rarely make specific trips anymore – it’s a shame as I love having a good charity shop rummage! Hope you have a good holiday too, two weeks off is bliss! Emma

  3. I love those plates! I go to carboot sales most of the time. Last weekend I went to a fleamarket/antique market and I spent waaaay to much money (it was good though). Next day I visited a carboot sale and spent one third of the previous day on just as lovely stuff!

    I go on-line and search for carboot sales/jumble sales/charity sales in my area, there is always something going on! I live in Somerset.

    Charity shops are hardly interesting anymore. Too bland, too expensive…

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